New Orleans+
New Orleans+
Jan 5 thru Jan 13, 2002
After visiting with family and friends during the holidays I finally made my way to New Orleans to visit AnnaMaria and Marilyn. I picked up Jen from her folks home in Cape Girardeu, MO and we made our way down to the Crescent City in a slick 8 hours. Jen and I met Marilyn for lunch at a local fish joint and enjoyed our first bowl of gumbo...whoa that stuff is good. During the week we were in New Orleans we enjoyed lots more tasty fresh catfish and many more bowls of gumbo and creole. We also made a few trips down to the French Quarter with one especially memorable night on Bourbon St and then wandered out to the countryside to see some of those famous swamps.
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Jen looks at me, while AnnaMaria (left) and Marilyn check out something interesting in the distance
The French Quarter, Jackson Park?
Local entertainment and some lovely lattice work in the French Quarter
Future home of AnnaMaria and Marilyn...a "typical" shotgun
Jenna displaying her local look
The swamps
luckily no alligators where around while I posed for this photo...I could've had my butt chomped off!